16 Temmuz 2014 Çarşamba


TOS FULL PERM - non exclusive copyright licence

Terms and conditions for FULL PERM - non exclusive copyright licence

No refunds are offered on any full perm items
Items cannot under any condition be sold for resale in Second Life or on Marketplace.
You shall not under any condition share,
sell or give UV maps, shadow maps, sculpt maps, textures or any other material
that helps fashion designers and builders to create their products using these items.
The selling price can not be any less then its agreed selling price on purchase.
One item can be licensed to only one avatar. Buying one item and transferring it to
your alt avatars or colleagues is not allowed.

Mesh agency reserve the right to refuse to sell license for my products to
individuals when/if necessary.
None of the items can be given as freebie under any condition.
Conditions of giving my items in HUNTS, GIFTS or similar organizations:
Don't give uv, shadow or texture map.
Can not be given away or sold full perm.
The above terms are also valid for giving away promotional gifts.
Please note that these terms and conditions are subject to
change without any prior notice.

Can I sell these items in Second Life without modifications ?
- We do strongly advise modify of all item before resale
- Modifications are obligatory if you with to sell as standalone
- Modifications are optional if you include in an outfit
- Items can not be sold as fashion kit, builders kit
- Items can not be sold with the textures provided
- Items can not be sold with a price any less than the price agreed on purchase
Can I sell your items as full perm?No if you wish to sell full perm you must buy
the FULL EXCLUSIVE copyright licence.
If I buy your source files can I upload them to other grids and use or sell them there ?

Yes you can. Please note than my terms and conditions
for Second Life are valid for other grids too.

Can I transfer your item which I purchased to my alt avatar or partner to
work on with my alt avatar.

No, it is not allowed, you must purchase it with your alt avatar
separately to obtain a legal copy.

For anything else that is not clear please comment here.

Thank you for respecting our rights as creators

If you need any help feel free to IM YMert Resident.

Thanks and Happy Building!

YMert Resident
"Duck Build (c)"
